Saturday, October 4, 2008

Favorite Playgroud Event

I was thinking I bet that teachers that sit on the playground at recess with her clipboard is really sitting back and observing the children of the future. She's watching what they are enjoying the most and determing what kind of person they are going to be 20 years from that day.

Sally. Sally is not the most attractive lady and could use some help with her wordrobe. She's been going up for the same supervisor position for the last three years in her company. Time after time she's been passed up by either someone, younger, hotter, or smarter than she was. 8 years later Sally finally got that postion and did not feel like her 8 year wait was in vain. Go ahead monkey bar fan!

Wayne is 35 and has invested half of of his inheritance and his own savings into many job ventures. Some has been good some not as well. But for the most parts he did well. Lately he haven't been able to keep his hands off his office secretary. Yes she is hot but I don't think his wife would approve. More and more they are both open with each other around the workplace and that wouldn't even be as bad if one of the clerks wasn't his wife's cousin. The swing lover has just received his award! Way to go Wayne what a risk taker.

Shana has a crush on this guy at her job. She has wanted to ask him out but she really lacks social skills. She doesn't do well especially when she's nervous. You know where Shana hung out... right in the tunnel! The teacher " come on Shana it's okay can have fruit cocktail if you's free"LOL

I could go on forever but I just had to mention Billy. Billy ass has been on drugs for years. He was already sniffing highlighters in second grade. I wonder if you would guess that Billy ass would cry when he had to get off the merry-go-round. Crazy ass Billy I tell ya!

If you like all the stuff your ass is bi-polor..LOL

I'm going to stop right here but ..what do you think? Thats some funny shit! I might have a point.

Twenty One

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Some people be pissing me off. I'm usually the nicest person you could ever meet, but when people do stupid things it bothers me.

I'm sure most of you have heard about the increase in gas prices due to the hurricane's two stepping their way through the Gulf. Well...why would yo dumb ass hop in your car and shoot for the gas station like that's the last bit of fuel left on this planet. Now you sitting there in this long ass getting pissed of course because everyone else had to same idea as you. Now what you don't realize is, there isn't a shortage of fuel you dumb ass, the prices are just going up.
Now you've been sitting there for 15 Min's now and it's finally your turn to pull up at the pump and guess's out of regular gas. Now yo ass is drove! LoL!!!

What everybody fail to realize is, regardless to rather you get the gas now while it's cheaper, you still gonna need it later on after yo ass rides over half the state, you're gonna have to fill up again with the new prices. So guess what, that fifteen-twenty minute's you waisted sitting in that long as line was in vain because eventually you're gonna pay the price everybody else is paying. Deuces


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Grocery Store

The weirdest thing happened to me....I was standing in the grocery store picking up a few things for my boyfriend when the cashier yells at the guy in the green shirt " Hey Sir?...You can check those items out here." She said "those items" as if he had more than one thing. He had just a cooler in his hand. "Oh I have to go to customer service for a money order". She continues to ring up my items as I write out my check . The lady behind me is sighing as If the line isn't moving fast enough for her.

The guy rushes back my way with the cooler in his hand. The cashier again says " Sir you can check that cooler out here" He heads towards the door..stops and turn around. He looks the cashier in the face and says " Bitch you don't know my struggles. If you know like I will turn around and ring up them muthafucking customers" he mumbles " all in my damn business". " What you tryna make muthafucking head cashier or something?"

I'm sorry. I just burst out laughing. I quickly grabbed my receipt and headed towards the door.

Be nice to people in public you never know what they are going through. In this scenerio which person would you have liked to been?


Friday, August 29, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


On this journey,
The load of the world rest upon my soul
While trying to complete the task of life
On this journey,
Obstacles of fate will not lose track of my reflection
On this journey,
Self is severly damaged by the elements of survival
On this journey,
I seek happiness, joy and success
joy and success have been heavily tattered
On this journey,
I find happiness have always dwelled within oneself

Sunday, August 24, 2008


A group of friends that lead typically normal lives with the exception of their lifted thoughts have created a diary of thoughts. The authors are anonymous and reaches a point in their life where they reach such a high level and want to express what it feels like to be lifted.

All authors have been assigned numbers for their signature. And as authors we have our own thoughts and our own introduction. Enjoy

(all authors will eventually post their introduction)

Author Eighty-Two

Author Twenty-One

I just love how you are brought into a world of bullshit. Some of us are willing to accept it and some of us are not. I feel that when you accept that the world is nothing but bullshit then you have figured out life.



Author One hundred-Eleven

Author Seven